November is American Diabetes Month!

According to the American Diabetes Association, one in three people in the United States have prediabetes. Check out their website to be aware how diabetes may affect you as well as some helpful tools to reduce your risk.

Check out this simple diabetes diagnosis coding scenario that may occur in the office setting:

Follow up of T2DM w/hyperglycemia today. …Elevated A1c at 10.1, goal should be <8. Patient cannot afford insulin and has not been taking meds as instructed….

1. E11.65 T2DM w/hyperglycemia

2. T38.3X6A Underdosing Insulin

3. Z91.120 Intentional underdosing d/t financial hardship.

4. Other conditions/SDoH that are impacting care today. Other T2DM complications? Housing difficulties? See ICD10CM for more details.

#diabetes #t2dm #t1dm #icd10 #specific #fqhc #prevention #bcarevrescue